10. Elec tri cal ma nu al
ยปThis elec tri cal man ual is ex clu sively de ter mined for the use by Ster ling Ser -
vice per son nel or by trained per son nel author ised by Ster ling only.
Other per sons are not al lowed to per form mod i fi ca tions or re pairs on the de -
All work should be car ried out when there is no volt age to be mesured at the
de vice.
Wait at least one min ute be fore start ing to work at the switch ing cab i net.
Dan ger to life! Dis charge of high-volt age pos si ble!
Be fore con nec tion of an ex ter nal power sup ply switch the equip ment off.
Un plug the mains plug.
Re move the fuses F4 (= blend ing unit) or F5 (= alarm).