■cldc_commClient.jar - Implementation of the Client interface for the CLDC device.
This client uses HTTP for communication.
■datagram_commClient.jar - Distributed test communication client interface implementation that uses datagrams for communication.
The following are the CommServers .jar files provided in the lib directory:
■datagram_comServer.jar -
■j2me_httpCommServer.jar -
j2me_messaging.jar provides the Java ME technology messaging service classes. These classes are the base classes for distributed tests.
Test Export Support Libraries
The following JAR files are automatically copied into the export directory when exporting tests and are used from the exported Ant build script, build.xml:
■exportSigner.jar - Command line tool for signing JAD files when rebuilding exported tests.
■provisioning_server.jar - Simple HTTP server used for OTA provisioning of exported tests.
CDC Agents
The following are CDC agent files provided in the lib directory:
■main_agent.jar - JavaTest agent for Foundation Profile, Personal Basis Profile, and Personal Profile.
Application model: Main Pluggable communication channel
■xlet_agent.jar - JavaTest agent for Personal Basis Profile and Personal Profile.
Appendix B Framework Bundle 85