The following is an example of a test description file containing a resources entry, directory, and file name.
CODE EXAMPLE 4-24 Test Description That Includes Resources
<TITLE>Test Specifications and Descriptions for Test2</TITLE> </HEAD>
<H1>Test Specifications and Descriptions for Test2</H1> <HR>
<a name="Test2"></a>
<TABLE BORDER=1 SUMMARY="Javatest Test Description" CLASS= TestDescription>
<THEAD><TR><TH SCOPE="col">Item</TH><TH SCOPE="col">Value</TH></TR></THEAD> <TR>
<TD SCOPE="row"> <B>title</B> </TD> <TD> Checking image creation</TD> </TR>
<TD SCOPE="row"> <B>source</B> </TD>
<TD> <A HREF="Test2.java">Test2.java</A> </TD> </TR>
<TD SCOPE="row"> <B>executeClass</B> </TD> <TD> sample.pkg3.Test2 </TD>
<TD SCOPE="row"> <B>keywords</B> </TD> <TD>runtime positive </TD>
<TD SCOPE="row"> <B>resources</B> </TD> <TD>shared/sample/pkg3/Duke.png</TD> </TR>
Chapter 4 Writing Tests 69