The testsuite.jtt file is located under the root directory of the Simple Test Suite. You can also find it under the build/ directory of the Simple Test Suite source.
lib Directory
The lib directory usually contains the javatest.jar file that provides all of the classes required to execute the harness, all of the JAR files under the lib directory of the Java ME TCK Framework, and the library classes. The test suite developer can use the library classes to simplify the creation of tests. With javatest.jar in the lib directory, the harness automatically locates the test suite and does not prompt the user for the path to test suite directory.
This directory also contains additional resource files required by the test suite. These files might include the following:
■testsuite.jar - If a custom interview or if customized harness
In the Simple Test Suite example, this file is named sample_jt.jar and located under the SimpleTestSuite/lib directory.
■testsuite.jtx - The exclude list (testsuite.jtx)file identifies the tests in a test suite that are not required to be run.
Tests are not excluded in the Simple Test Suite, so it does not contain a testsuite.jtx file.
The exclude list file usually has the following format:
The following is an example of two lines from an exclude list file.
api/java_awt/EventQueue/index.html#Invoke[EventQueue2006] 6406330 test api/java_awt/Adjustable/index.html#SetGetValue 4682598 spec_jdk
tests Directory
The tests directory contains test sources and test descriptions grouped by the test developer according to a specific design principle. Tests might be grouped in a test directory in the following cases:
■All tests that examine the same component or functionality
■All tests that have a configuration in common
Chapter 3 Test Suite Construction 25