remote Attribute
The remote attribute specifies the execution command for the server test component. The following is an example of the remote attribute entry that must be added to the test description file.
<TD> <B>remote</B></TD>
<TD> networkAgent: sample.pkg.OTA.OTATest1
In the remote attribute, sample.pkg.OTA.OTATest1 is the test class of the server component and all other arguments
If the test is written for a trusted MIDlet, the argument,
The following is an example of the remote attribute entry added to the test description file for an OTA test that is written for a trusted MIDlet.
CODE EXAMPLE 4-9 remote Attribute Entry for Trusted MIDlet
<TD> <B>remote</B></TD>
<TD> networkAgent: sample.pkg.OTA.OTATest1
OTA Test Description Examples
The following is an example of a basic OTA test description file.
CODE EXAMPLE 4-10 OTA Test Description File
<TITLE>Test Specifications and Descriptions for Test</TITLE> </HEAD>
Chapter 4 Writing Tests 55