<TD SCOPE="row"> <B>executeClass</B> </TD> <TD> sample.pkg3.Test3 </TD>
<TD SCOPE="row"> <B>keywords</B> </TD> <TD>runtime positive </TD>
Note – The contents of this test description file correspond to the Test3.java test class.
4.Save this file in the Simple Test Suite source as
The index.html must be contained in the same directory as its test class (in this case, Test3.java).
5.Update the test class dependency file (testClasses.lst) in the build directory (SimpleTestSuite/build) by adding the following line that identifies the new test and its class.
sample/pkg3/index.html#Test3 sample/pkg3/Test3.class
The test class dependency file (testClasses.lst) provides information to the Framework test bundling infrastructure regarding which classes should be bundled for each test. This information is used in CLDC and MIDP, but ignored in CDC.
Note – In Framework version 1.2, the test bundling mechanism was improved so that in simple cases such as this (the complete test is in a single file without using other test classes) updating the testClasses.lst file is not required.
After creating the new test class, creating the test description file, and updating the test class dependency file, you must build (see “Building an Updated Simple Test Suite” on page 19) and test the updated test suite (see “Testing an Updated Simple Test Suite” on page 20) before making the test suite available to users.