Configuration (CDC) and a profile such as Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP), Foundation Profile (FP), Personal Basis Profile (PBP), or Personal Profile (PP).
■Configuration - CLDC and CDC are configurations that provides a basic set of libraries and
When coupled with one or more profiles, the configuration provides developers with a stable Java platform for creating applications for consumer and embedded devices. Each configuration supports optional packages that enable product designers to balance the functionality needs of a design against its resource constraints.
■Profile - A set of standard APIs that support a category of devices for a specific configuration.
A specific profile is combined with a corresponding configuration to provide a complete Java application environment for the target device class.
■Optional packages - A set of
Optional packages provide specific areas of functionality.
The ability to specify bundles enables test developers to match software and hardware capabilities. They can use APIs that provide easy access to the components that a device has, without the overhead of APIs designed for capabilities the device doesn’t support.
Connectivity Requirements
Each Java technology has a unique set of connectivity requirements. When using the Framework resources to develop test suites, developers should consider the following connectivity requirements:
■CLDC (without MIDP) - No connectivity required by specification; however, the Framework requires
■MIDP - HTTP is required.
■CDC - Datagram connection is optional in the specification.The Framework requires
■FP on CDC - Full TCP/IP is optional in the specification. The Framework requires