4.Update the interview .properties (resource) file.
All question text is located in the interview.properties file associated with the interview class files and is identified by a unique question key.
The question key is based on a name assigned by the test developer and must uniquely identify the question with the interview. Question keys are created in the following form:
The interview .properties file contains the following types of elements:
■The title of the full interview
■A title for each question
Question titles take the following form:
question-key.smry = title-text
■The text for each question
Question text takes the following form:
■Additional entries for choice items that are localized
For every interview question that you create, you must add corresponding
.smry and .text entries in the interview .properties file. You can either update the existing file or create a new one.
In the example, the interview class is named SampleInterview and the question name is hello. For the example, the following entries must be in the interview .properties file.
SampleInterview.hello.smry = Sample Config Property SampleInterview.hello.text = Enter "Hello" here and the test will verify ^ the value.
To view the complete contents of the file, see the i18n.properties file in the following Simple Test Suite source location:
5.Set up the More Info system.
The JavaHelp™ system libraries required to display More Info in the Configuration Editor are included in the javatest.jar. However, you must configure the More Info system to include corresponding More Info topics for the questions in the interview. The following steps describe how to set up the More Info system.