Java Platform, Standard
Edition (Java SE
platform) A set of specifications that defines the desktop runtime environment required for the deployment of Java technology applications. Java SE platform implementations are available for a variety of platforms, but most notably the Solaris and Windows operating systems.
Java Application
Manager (JAM) A native application used to download, store, and execute applications. Another name for JAM is Application Management Software (AMS).
Java Archive (JAR)
file A
Java Compatibility Test
Tools (Java CTT) Tools, documents, templates, and samples that can be used to design and build TCKs. Using the Java CTT simplifies compatibility test development and makes developing and running tests more efficient.
Java Community
Process (JCP)
program An open organization of international Java community software developers and licensees whose charter is to develop and revise Java specifications, and their associated Reference Implementation (RI), and Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK).
Java platform
libraries The class libraries that are defined for each particular version of a Java technology in its Java specification.
Java specification A written specification for some aspect of Java technology.
Java Specification
Request (JSR) The actual descriptions of proposed and final technology specifications for the Java platform.
Java technology A Java specification and its Reference Implementation (RI). Examples of Java technologies are the J ava SE platform, the Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC), and the Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP).
Java Technology
Compatibility Kit See Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK).
JavaTest harness
agent A test agent supplied with the JavaTest harness to run TCK tests on a Java technology implementation where it is not possible or desirable to run the main JavaTest harness. See also test agent, active agent, and passive agent.
Glossary 101