When in Trouble

What to Check ?

Isn't error code No. is displayed ?

Doesn't the power voltage vary ?￿ Is the power turned on ?￿

Any loose connection ?

Is the connecting portion￿


disconnected ?￿


(Broke wire, contact)￿


Is the wiring correct ?


Isn't the connector pulled off ?


Isn't the short wire pulled off ?


Is abnormal noise generated ￿

from the motor ?












Motor does not run.

Host￿ controller

Isn't the electro-￿

magnetic brake ￿

engaged ?

Machine Motor


Isn't the connection ￿ loose ?



Is the wiring to CN X5 correct ? ￿





Or aren't any wires pulled off ?



Is the wiring to CN X6 correct ? ￿



Or aren't any wires pulled off ?








Is the wiring to CN X7 in case ￿



of full-closed control correct ? ￿



Or aren't any wires pulled off ?

External scale

Protective Function (What is Error Code ?)

Various protective functions are equipped in the driver. When these are triggered, the motor will stall due to error, according to P.133, "Timing Chart (When error occurs)"of Operation Setting, and the driver will turn the Servo-Alarm output (ALM) to off (open).

Error status ands their measures

During the error status, the error code No. will be displayed on the front panel LED, and you cannot turn Servo-ON.

You can clear the error status by turning on the alarm clear input for 120ms or longer.

When overload protection is triggered, you can clear it by turning on the alarm clear signal 10 sec or longer after the error occurs. You can clear the time characteristics by turning off the connection be- tween L1C and L2C or r and t of the control power supply of the driver.

You can clear the above error by operating the console. (Refer to P.99, "Alarm Clear Mode" of Setting.)

You can also clear the above error by operating the "PANATERM®".


When the protective function with a prefix of "*" in the protective function table is triggered, you cannot clear with alarm clear input. For resumption, shut off the power to remove the cause of the error and re- enter the power.

Following errors will not be stored in the error history.

Control power supply under-voltage protection

(Error code No. 11)

Main power supply under-voltage protection

(Error code No. 13)

EEPROM parameter error protection

(Error code No. 36)

EEPROM check code error protection

(Error code No. 37)

Emergency stop input error protection

(Error code No. 39)

External scale auto recognition error protection

(Error code No. 93)

Motor auto recognition error protection

(Error code No. 95)


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Image 164
Panasonic A4P Series What to Check ?, Protective Function What is Error Code ?, Host controller, Machine Motor