[When in Trouble]

Point Deviates

Positioning Accuracy is Poor













The setting of the parameter for positioning

Adjust the target position parameter at each point.￿


operation is wrong.￿

Check the setting of an operation mode (relative travel/absolute travel).￿


The setting of positioning completion range is

Decrease the set value of the positioning completion range (SV.Pr60)




to the extent that chattering does not occur.￿


Position loop gain is small.￿

Check the position deviation in the monitor mode of the console or








Increase the set value of SV.Pr10 to the extent that oscillation does not




occur and check it.￿


Each input signal of CN X5 is chattering.￿

Check the wiring and connection between each signal of the connector


1)Servo-ON signal￿

CN X5 and COM–.￿


2)CW/CCW over-travel inhibit input￿



3)Multi function input 1/2￿



(when a stop command is set)￿



4)Strobe signal input￿



5)Point specifying input￿



Load inertia is large.

Check the overshoot when stopping with a graphic function of




“PANATERM®”. If this problem is not resolved by gain adjustment,




increase the motor and driver capacity.

Home Position Slips







Parameter ￿

The homing speed is slow, if any of the homing

Review the set value of the homing speed (16.Pr30/31).￿


types below is used.￿



16.Pr36 =￿



1:Home sensor (based on the front end)￿



4: Limit sensor￿



Chattering of home sensor (Z-LS) input. ￿

Check home sensor input signal of the controller with oscilloscope. ￿



Review the wiring near to proximity dog and make a noise measure or



reduce noise. ￿


Noise is on the encoder line.

Reduce noise (installation of noise filter or ferrite core), shield



treatment of I/F cables, use of a twisted pair or separation of power



and signal lines.




Abnormal Motor Noise or Vibration







Adjustment￿Gain setup is large. ￿

Lower the gain by setting up lower values to SV.Pr11 and 19, of



velocity loop gain and SV.Pr10 and 18 of position loop gain.￿


Resonance of the machine and ￿

Re-adjust SV.Pr14 and 1C (Torque filter). Check if the machine


the motor. ￿

resonance exists or not with frequency characteristics analyzing



function of the PANATERM®. Set up the notch frequency to SV.Pr1D



or SV.Pr28 if resonance exists. ￿


Motor bearing￿

Check the noise and vibration near the bearing of the motor while



running the motor with no load. Replace the motor to check. Request



for repair. ￿


Electro-magnetic sound, gear noise, rubbing

Check the noise of the motor while running the motor with no load.


noise at brake engagement, hub noise or rub-

Replace the motor to check. Request for repair.


bing noise of encoder





When in Trouble


Page 173
Image 173
Panasonic A4P Series Point Deviates Positioning Accuracy is Poor, Home Position Slips, Abnormal Motor Noise or Vibration