Jog Operation

Jog Operation

The motor can be moved in a positive direction or negative direction independently.


Point specifying input￿ (P1IN to P32IN)￿ or￿

multifunction 1, 2￿ (EX-IN1, EX-IN2)

Strobe signal input￿ (STB)


Actual movement

A maximum point number – 1 (normal rotation)￿

A maximum point number – 2 (reverse rotation)


MIN 10ms




MAX 10ms

In-operation signal output￿ Transistor ON

Transistor OFF




In-deceleration output￿


Transistor OFF





Positioning completion output￿Transistor ON

Transistor OFF




Current position output￿



(P1OUT to P32OUT)

point number


Transistor ON

MAX 10ms

Transistor ON Transistor ON

Transistor ON

MAX 10ms

A maximum￿ point number – 1￿ (normal rotation)￿ A maximum￿ point number – 2￿ (reverse rotation)




(1)￿ Setting of parameters

Specify the parameters 16.Pr No. 40 to No. 45 related to the jog operation. For details, refer to “List

of Parameters Related to Jog Operation” on page 113.￿


related to jog operation￿



There are two ways of starting the jog operation.￿



1) Point specifying input (P1IN to P32IN: CN X5 Pin 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8)￿



To start the operation, specify a maximum point - 1 for high-speed normal rotation jog or a



maximum point -2 for high-speed reverse rotation jog and, after 10 ms has passed, connect the



strobe signal input (STB: CN X5 Pin 24) to COM- (i.e., close the opened connection).￿

(2)￿ Start of jog operation￿

* The maximum point number depends on a set value of SV.Pr57 (selection of number of input points).￿



2) Multi function input 1 and 2 (EX-IN1 and EX-IN2: CN X5 Pin 22 and 25)￿



To start the operation, specify the high-speed normal rotation jog or high-speed reverse rotation



jog by SV.Pr5A (multi function input 1 signal selection) or SV.Pr5C (multi function input 2 signal



selection), input the multi function input 1 or 2 and, after 10 ms has passed, connect the strobe



signal input (STB: CN X5 Pin 24) to COM– (i.e., close the opened connection).￿

(3)￿ Check of command

When the in-operation signal output (BUSY: CN X5 Pin 28) turns OFF, an operation becomes ready



to be executed.￿

(4)￿ Stop of jog operation￿

When you make the strobe signal input (STB) open, an operation decelerates and stops. While the



contact of the strobe signal input is closed, the jog operation continues.￿


Check of completion

Check the completion of operation command execution through the in-operation signal output

(5)￿ of operation

(BUSY). When a transistor of the signal has returned from OFF into ON, this means that the


command execution￿

operation has completed.￿



Check an operation point executed by the current position output (P1OUT to P32OUT: CN X5 Pin


Check of current

29, 30, 31, 32, 33 and 34) after checking the operation command execution. The current position

position output

output (P1OUT to P32OUT) is updated within 10 ms after a transistor of the in-operation signal



output (BUSY) has returned to ON.

*Positioning completion output/in-deceleration output (COIN/DCLON: CN X5 Pin 27)

In SV.Pr64 (output signal selection), you can select COIN or DCLON to be output. For the timing of tuning the transistor ON/OFF, refer to the diagram above.


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Panasonic A4P Series instruction manual Jog Operation