The motor starts rotating.￿
For approx. 15 sec, the motor repeats ￿ max. 5 cycles of CCW/CW rotation, ￿
2 revolutions each direction per one cycle. ￿ Tuning may finish before 5th cycles, ￿ however, this is not an error.￿
changes to .￿
Pin-29 of the connector, CN X5 to be ￿ Servo-ON status.￿
Keep pressing for approx.3sec, ￿ then bar increase as the right fig. shows. ￿

Normal Mode Auto-Gain Tuning

How to Operate from the Console


Turn to the normal auto-gain tuning ￿



mode from the monitor mode, by ￿



pressing the SET button, then press￿



the mode switching button three times.￿



For details, refer to P.81, "Structure ￿



of Each Mode" of Preparation.￿



Enter the machine stiffness No. by pressing


Display of rotational speed ￿￿ of the motor (initial display)

Machine stiffness No.




Machine stiffness No. (High)















Value changes toward the direction as ￿


Drive method


Machine stiffness No.








Ball screw direct connection￿


8 to 14￿




an arrow shows by pressing


Ball screw + timing belt￿


6 to 12￿




changes toward the reversed direction ￿


Timing belt￿


4 to 10￿




by pressing




Gear, Rack & Pinion￿


2 to 8￿







Others, low stiffness machine


0 to 8









Machine stiffness No. (Low)






















(3) Shift to MONITOR/EXECUTION mode ￿











￿ by pressing














(4) Operation at MONITOR/EXECUTION mode￿











Keep pressing

until the display ￿

























(5) Write the gain value to EEPROM to prevent ￿





them from being lost due to the power shut off.￿

Tuning finishes ￿

Tuning error






Do not use the normal mode auto-gain tuning with the motor and driver alone. SV.Pr20 (Inertia ratio) becomes to 0.





Display of error.￿

One of alarm, Servo-OFF or

• Avoid an operation near the limit switch or home sensor switch.￿


deviation counter clear has

• Turn to Servo-ON.￿



• Release the deviation counter clear￿

Value of parameter

Load inertia cannot be identi-

• Lower SV.Pr10 to 10 and SV.Pr11 to 50, then execute the

related to gain (such as



SV/Pr10) is kept as same


• Adjust the gain manually. (Calculate the load inertia, and then

as before the execution.







Page 150
Image 150
Panasonic A4P Series How to Operate from the Console, An arrow shows by pressing, Changes toward the reversed direction