Overview of Operation Setting

In MINAS A4P, the following operations can be performed.

Step operation￿


The most basic operation.￿



Specify a point number set in advance when performing the operation.￿



The four types of modes are available, i.e., an incremental operation,


absolute operation, rotary axis operation and dwell timer (waiting time).￿




Jog operation￿


The motor can be moved in a positive direction or negative direction





This is useful for teaching or adjustment.￿




Homing operation￿


An operation to detect a home position which is the base of operation.￿



The eight types of homing operations can be performed in A4P.￿



Homing must be completed before performing the step operation etc.￿


Also, homing can be disabled by setting a certain parameter.￿




Emergency stop/


An active operation can be interrupted and canceled.￿



Emergency stop: An operation stops in a deceleration time specified by a

operation ￿


special parameter.￿



Deceleration-and-stop: An operation stops in a deceleration time specified


in an operation mode before the start of deceleration.￿




Temporary stop operation￿ Active operation can be stopped temporarily and restarted.￿

.....P.126 ￿ ￿




Block operation￿


Several step operations can be performed at a time. The two types of block



operations below can be executed.￿



Continuous block operation: Several step operations can be performed



continuously. Once an operation starts, the operation continues to a



specified point number.￿



Combined block operation: A step operation is performed according to


￿ combined several point numbers. This is useful when you want to change

.....P.127￿ the speed during a step operation.￿




Sequential operation￿


A point number increments by 1 automatically whenever an operation



command is given.￿


￿ A step operation can be performed easily only by turning the STB signal

.....P.130￿ on/off.￿




S-shaped acceleration/


An operation can be performed smoothly by executing the start and end of

deceleration operation￿


acceleration/deceleration gradually.





For how to set a step data or parameters, “Hot To Use Console” on page 80.

When setting the step parameters using “PANATERM®”, speed = V1 to V6, deceleration = A1 to A4 and deceleration = D1 to D4 are shown. This instruction manual describes speed = VEL1 to VEL16, decelera- tion = ACC1 to ACC4 and deceleration = DEC1 to DEC4.


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Panasonic A4P Series instruction manual Overview of Operation Setting