Step Operation


1)If a set value of speed, acceleration or deceleration at a specified point is “0”, an operation trips due to unde- fined data error protection (error code No. 69) and stops according to an operation at alarm occurrence.

2)If the current position (–2147483647 to 2147483647) overflows when absolute movement is performed continuously in the same direction, an operation trips due to current position overflow error protection (error code No. 70) and stops according to an operation at alarm occurrence. This error can be disabled by 16.Pr51 (Wrap around permission). In this case, however, an absolute position cannot be guaranteed. If you disable the wrap around, use the incremental operation only.

3)If the over-travel inhibit input is enabled in an operating direction during a step operation, an operation trips due to over-travel inhibit detection error protection (error code No. 71) and stops according to an operation at alarm occurrence. In SV.Pr55 (Over-travel inhibit input operation setting), you can specify whether or not to trip an operation.

4)When the motor has exceeded a maximum travel specified by 32.Pr01 (Setting of maximum movement in plus direction) and 32.Pr02 (Setting of maximum movement in minus direction) during a step operation, an operation stops due to maximum travel limit error protection (error code No. 72) and stops according to an operation at alarm occurrence.

5)When the servo driver has tripped, a step operation cannot be executed again unless you input an Alarm Clear command once and then execute the homing. However, the absolute mode and homing are dis- abled, the step operation can be executed without performing the homing operation.

6)If a motor operation completes although the strobe signal input (STB: CN X5 Pin 24) does not return to the

OPEN state after the in-operation signal output (BUSY: CN X5 Pin 28) turns OFF, the in-operation signal output (BUSY) is still in the OFF state. When the in-operation signal output (BUSY) has turned OFF, be sure to return the strobe signal input (STB) to the OPEN state.

7)Any step operation is unacceptable when the in-operation signal output (BUSY) turns OFF (a previous command is being executed).

Step Operation Mode

For a positioning operation in this servo driver, you can select any of the four types of operation modes. For the details of each operation mode, refer to the relevant page.

Operation mode￿


Relevant page￿

Incremental operation (Incremental)￿

Operates regarding a set value as relative travel from a current position.￿





Absolute operation (Absolute)￿

Operates regarding a set value as an absolute position of a target.￿





Rotary axis operation (Rotary)￿

Operates regarding a set value as an absolute position per rotation.￿





Dwell timer operation (Dwell time)

Operates regarding a set value as a waiting time.





*A step data can be set in the point numbers 1 (01h) to 60 (3Ch). For details, refer to the table in “Overview of Point specifying Input” on page 45.

*Do not use the rotary axis operation (Rotary) mode together with the incremental operation (Incremental) or absolute operation (Absolute). Wrap around according to the command position and the number of pulses per rotation at the current position cannot be performed appropriately.

Example of Incremental Operation Setting

In the incremental operation, the motor operates regarding a set value as relative travel from a current position.








Speed = VEL1







eleration = ￿

Deceleration = DEC1





Travel = Point 1 set value￿

























Origin = 0

Start position = X

End position = X + 1000000









Page 108
Image 108
Panasonic A4P Series Example of Incremental Operation Setting, Step Operation Mode, Operation mode Description