
Main Body

[Before Using the Products]

Before Using the Products


Console body

Display ￿

(7-segment LED)


Touch panel


Console is an option (Part No.: DV0P4420).

Display/Touch panel

Display LED (6-digit)￿

All of LED will flash when error occurs, and switch to error display

screen. ￿


Display LED (in 2 digits) ￿

Parameter No. is displayed at parameter setup mode. Point No. is

displayed at teaching mode.￿


SHIFT Button ￿

Press this to shift the digit for data change.￿


Button ￿

Press these to change data or execute selected action of parameter.￿

Numerical value increases by pressing ,,￿

decreases by pressing .￿


SET Button￿

Press this to shift each mode which is selected by mode switching button to EXECUTION display.

Mode Switching Button Press this to switch￿ 7 kinds of mode.￿


Monitor mode￿


Normal auto-gain tuning mode￿


Teaching mode￿


Auxiliary function mode￿


• Target position settings established ￿


• Alarm clear￿


by teaching￿


• Absolute encoder clear￿


• Test operation￿


Copy mode￿


Parameter setup mode￿


• Copying of parameters from the driver to the console.


EEPROM write mode


• Copying of parameters from the console to the driver.

The data for the parameters is set after the mode has been switched to the parameter setup mode. For details on operation, refer to the instruction manual provided with the console.


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Panasonic A4P Series instruction manual Console, Main Body, Display/Touch panel