e.Create the More Info topic files.
The More Info topic files are provided in HTML format and displayed in the Configuration Editor’s More Info pane. Refer to the JavaTest Architect’s Guide for the procedure for creating More Info topic files. The following is an example of a More Info file.
<LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../wizard.css" TITLE="Style">
The test suite architect can provide "More Info" here, explaining the question in more detail.
Additional examples of More Info files can be found in the following directory.
6.Create a JAR file containing the configuration interview.
After creating the interview, you must package it into a JAR file for inclusion with the test suite. If you include other custom components with your test suite, they can be packaged with the interview. This is usually done in the build.
If you successfully ran the build as described in Chapter 2, “Building an Updated Simple Test Suite” on page 19, you have an example of this JAR file under the lib directory. In the example, the JAR file is named
7.Add the JAR file to the classpath entry of the testsuite.jtt file.
The test suite containing the configuration interview and associated tests can now be built. See “Building a Test Suite” on page 40.
Chapter 3 Test Suite Construction 39