Chapter 4 Writing Tests 57
OTA Test Execution

In FIGURE 4-4, arrows indicate the direction of dataflow between the device and the

workstation. The numbered items indicate the sequence and the content of the


<TABLE BORDER=1 CLASS=TestDescription>
<TD> <B>title</B></TD>
<TD> Over-the-Air Test for trusted midlet</TD>
<TD> <B>source</B></TD>
<TD> <B>executeClass</B></TD>
<TD> sample.pkg.OTA.Test_MIDlet</TD>
<TD> <B>keywords</B></TD>
<TD> runtime positive trusted ota </TD>
<TD> <B>remote</B></TD>
<TD> networkAgent: sample.pkg.OTA.OTATest1 -httpServerPort
$httpServerPort -testDir $testDir -OTAHandlerClass
-OTAHandlerArgs $OTAHandlerArgs -signer=$jks.signer
<TD> <B>remoteSource</B></TD>
<TD> <A HREF=""></TD>
CODE EXAMPLE 4-11 Trusted OTA Test Description File (Continued)