Sun Microsystems 3.2 manual Error Message, From, Meaning, Kernel

Models: 3.2

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TABLE 3-1Error Messages for the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software (Continued)

Error Message



Reverse sync needed, cannot sync


The user requested a forward sync operation for a





remote mirror set which needs a reverse sync. This





occurs when a previous reverse sync does not





complete successfully or because the primary volume





was damaged and had to be replaced. Issue a reverse





sync for the set.

%s:%s ==> %s:%s already has a disk


A set cannot contain more than one disk queue. To add




a new disk queue, remove the old disk queue first. The





disk queue replace command can also be used to





accomplish this task.



invalid size


The remote mirror software could not determine the

(%s)..cannot proceed


size of the secondary volume. Verify that the





secondary volume is not in an error state and can be








%s:%s is already enabled


The user attempted to enable a remote mirror set using





the same secondary volume and secondary host as a





remote mirror set that is already enabled. Specify a





different secondary volume or secondary host for the





new set.

%s ==>


not already enabled


The user has tried to do an operation on a set that is





not enabled. Verify that the proper set has been

specified to sndradm and then verify that the set is enabled using sndradm -i.

Set Copy Parameters failed

set <shost>:<svol> neither sync nor async

set <shost>:<svol> not found in config


iiadm could not modify the copy units and delay


values for the specified set. Possible errors:


EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-


bounds. File a bug against iiadm


ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.


DSW_EEMPTY: No set was specified for the parameters


DSW_ENOTFOUND: The specified set was not found in


the kernel.


EINVAL: The delay or units value is out of range.


The mode of the set specified in the configuration file


is incorrect. This occurs whenthe user inserts a set into


the configuration manually, using dscfg with an


incorrect mode tag.


The specified set is not in the current configuration.


Use sndradm -ito verify that the set is in the current




and bitmap are the same


During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the




shadow volume and the bitmap volume are the same.





34 Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Troubleshooting Guide • December 2003

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Sun Microsystems 3.2 manual Error Message, From, Meaning, Kernel