Sun Microsystems 3.2 manual Error Message, From, Meaning, Pitc

Models: 3.2

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TABLE 3-1Error Messages for the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software (Continued)

Error Message






Could not enable volume. Possible errors:




EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-




bounds. File a bug against iiadm.




ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.




DSW_ESHUTDOWN: The kernel module is in the process




of shutting down the point-in-time copy software. No




new sets can be enabled.




DSW_EEMPTY: One of the volumes' names (master,




shadow, bitmap) is blank. File a bug against iiadm.




DSW_EINUSE: One of the volumes (master, shadow,




bitmap) is already being used by another set.




DSW_EOPEN: Failed to open one of the volumes




(master, shadow, or bitmap).




DSW_EHDRBMP: Could not read bitmap header. Bitmap




volume might be inaccessible or bad.




DSW_EOFFLINE: One of the volumes (master, shadow,




bitmap) is offline and cannot be made part of a set.




DSW_ERSRVFAIL: Could not get access to the




underlying volume (master, shadow, bitmap).


failed, can't tidy up cfg


Could not enable volume and could not remove new




entry from configuration file.

Enable pending on %s ==> %s, try again later

enabling disk queue on an SNDR secondary is not allowed (<diskq>)

Export failed

Failed to allocate memory


A previous enable operation of a set is still processing


when another enable operation is attempted.


A disk queue can be added only to a set on the


primary site.


Could not export the shadow of the specified set.


Possible errors:


EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-


bounds. File a bug against iiadm.


ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.


DSW_EEMPTY: No set was specified to export from.


DSW_ENOTFOUND: The specified set does not exist in


the kernel.


DSW_EDEPENDENCY: The set is not independent.


DSW_ERSRVFAIL: Could not access the bitmap header


to record the export operation.


iiadm ran out of memory.

28 Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Troubleshooting Guide • December 2003

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Sun Microsystems 3.2 manual Error Message, From, Meaning, Pitc