■To simulate a right mouse button click, press Command while clicking the mouse button
SGD enables you to print from your applications to a printer attached to your computer.
Usually, you can choose the printer you want to print to. However, for some applications you might only be able to print to your default printer.
Managing Your Print Jobs
You use the Printing area of the webtop to manage your print jobs. The Printing area shows the number of jobs currently in the print queue and includes controls for managing your print jobs, as shown in FIGURE
FIGURE 1-13 Printing Area of the SGD Webtop
When documents are printing, the webtop tells you how many print jobs are in the queue.
Click the Pause link to temporarily stop printing. The printer icon changes to show you when printing is paused, as shown in FIGURE
FIGURE 1-14 Printing Paused Icon
If you pause printing, any print jobs that are pending are held in a queue until you either cancel them or resume printing.
Click the Resume link to start printing again after you have paused printing.
Click the Cancel All link to delete all your print jobs.
Chapter 1 Using Sun Secure Global Desktop | 15 |