FIGURE 1-8 User Name Displayed on the Webtop Toolbar
If the toolbar says you are logged in as “Guest user” then you either logged in without typing a user name and password, known as an anonymous login, or you are using a webtop that is shared with other users.
These details also display on the webtop when you first log in.
Secure Connection Status
If you have a secure connection, the locked padlock symbol is displayed below the webtop menu bar. Also, when you first log in, the page that is displayed on the webtop tells you whether you have a secure or a standard connection.
Secure connections to SGD are available only if an SGD Administrator has enabled them.
You might not automatically receive a secure connection, or you might only get a secure connection under certain circumstances. Contact your SGD Administrator if you do not get a secure connection when you need one.
Using Applications
Use the Applications area of the webtop to start, stop, and manage your applications.
Running Applications
To start an application, you click its link on your webtop, as shown in FIGURE
FIGURE 1-9 Webtop Link for Running an Application
When you start an application, you might be asked for a user name and password. This is your user name and password for the application server that runs the application.
Chapter 1 Using Sun Secure Global Desktop | 9 |