To manage print jobs individually, click the List All Jobs button. The webtop displays a list of all the print jobs in the queue, along with information about the job. For example, the number of copies and the printer to use.
If you have paused printing, click to print just that one print job.
To cancel a print job, click .
Printing From UNIX Platform Applications
SGD enables you to print from UNIX platform applications to a printer attached to your computer.
Printing from UNIX Platform Applications to UNIX, Linux, or Mac OS X Platform Computers
From a terminal window on the application server, you can print a file to your default printer by typing the following command:
$ lp file
Alternatively, you can specify any client printer that your SGD Administrator has configured.
For example, if a client printer named salesprinter has been configured by your SGD administrator, you can use the following command:
$ lp
Printing from UNIX Platform Applications to a Windows Computer
The following command prints file to your default printer on the Windows computer:
$ lp file
You can also print to a port on the computer. For example:
$ lp
16 Sun Secure Global Desktop 4.5 User Guide • April 2009