Tuning UltraSPARC®
2Add the following to /etc/sysctl.conf
#Disables packet forwarding net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
#Enables source route verification net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
#Disables the
3Add the following as the last entry in /etc/rc.local sysctl
4Reboot the system.
5Use this command to increase the size of the transmit buffer: tcp_recv_hiwat ndd /dev/tcp 8129 32768
Tuning UltraSPARC® T1–Based Systems
Use a combination of tunable parameters and other parameters to tune UltraSPARC
Tuning Operating System and TCP Settings
The following table shows the operating system tuning for Solaris 10 used when benchmarking for performance and scalability on UtraSPARC
Chapter 5 • Tuning the Operating System and Platform | 103 |