HTTP Service Settings
With asadmin, use the following command to list the monitoring parameters available:
list --user admin --port 4848
Use the following command to get the values:
Statistics collection is enabled by default. Disable it by adding the following property to domain.xml and restart the server:
<property name="statsProfilingEnabled" value="false" />
Disabling statistics collection will increase performance.
You can also view monitoring statistics with the Admin Console. The information is divided into the following categories:
■“DNS Cache Information (dns)” on page 61
■“File Cache Information
■“Keep Alive
DNS Cache Information (dns)
The DNS cache caches IP addresses and DNS names. Your server’s DNS cache is disabled by default. In the DNS Statistics for Process ID All page under Monitor in the
If the DNS cache is disabled, the rest of this section is not displayed.
By default, the DNS cache is off. Enable DNS caching with the Admin Console by setting the DNS value to “Perform DNS lookups on clients accessing the server”.
CacheEntries (CurrentCacheEntries / MaxCacheEntries)
The number of current cache entries and the maximum number of cache entries. A single cache entry represents a single IP address or DNS name lookup. Make the cache as large as the maximum number of clients that access your web site concurrently. Note that setting the cache size too high is a waste of memory and degrades performance.
Set the maximum size of the DNS cache by entering or changing the value in the Size of DNS Cache field of the Performance Tuning page.
Chapter 3 • Tuning the Enterprise Server | 61 |