C 5H A P T E R 5
Tuning the Operating System and Platform
This chapter discusses tuning the operating system (OS) for optimum performance. It discusses the following topics:
■“Server Scaling” on page 93
■“Solaris 10
■“Tuning for the Solaris OS” on page 95
■“Linux Configuration” on page 97
■“Tuning for Solaris on x86” on page 98
■“Tuning for Linux platforms” on page 100
■“Tuning UltraSPARC
Server Scaling
This section provides recommendations for optimal performance scaling server for the following server subsystems:
■“Processors” on page 93
■“Memory” on page 94
■“Disk Space” on page 94
■“Networking” on page 94
The Enterprise Server automatically takes advantage of multiple CPUs. In general, the effectiveness of multiple CPUs varies with the operating system and the workload, but more processors will generally improve dynamic content performance.
Static content involves mostly input/output (I/O) rather than CPU activity. If the server is tuned properly, increasing primary memory will increase its content caching and thus increase