C 4H A P T E R 4
Tuning the Java Runtime System
This chapter discusses the following topics:
■“Java Virtual Machine Settings” on page 83
■“Managing Memory and Garbage Collection” on page 84
■“Further Information” on page 91
Java Virtual Machine Settings
J2SE 5.0 provides two implementations of the HotSpot Java virtual machine (JVM):
■The client VM is tuned for reducing
■The server VM is designed for maximum program execution speed. Invoke it by using the
By default, the Application Server uses the JVM setting appropriate to the purpose:
■Developer Profile, targeted at application developers, uses
■Enterprise Profile, targeted at production deployments, uses the default JVM startup mode. By default, Application Server uses the client Hotspot VM. However, if a server VM is needed, it can be specified by creating a
You can override the default by changing the JVM settings in the Admin Console under Configurations >
For more information on
For more information on JVMs, see JavaTM Virtual Machines.