EJB Performance Tuning

semantics. See “Value Added Features” in Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Developer’s Guide for more details about the pass-by-reference flag.

To specify that an EJB component will use pass by reference semantics, use the following tag in the sun-ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor:


This avoids copying arguments when the EJB component’s methods are invoked and avoids copying results when methods return. However, problems will arise if the data is modified by another source during the invocation.

Improving Performance of EJB Transactions

This section provides some tips to improve performance when using transactions.

Use Container-Managed Transactions

Container-managed transactions are preferred for consistency, and provide better performance.

Don’t Encompass User Input Time

To avoid resources being held unnecessarily for long periods, a transaction should not encompass user input or user think time.

Identify Non-Transactional Methods

Declare non-transactional methods of session EJB components with NotSupported or Never transaction attributes. These attributes can be found in the ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor file. Transactions should span the minimum time possible since they lock database rows.

Use TX_REQUIRED for Long Transaction Chains

For very large transaction chains, use the transaction attribute TX_REQUIRED. To ensure EJB methods in a call chain, use the same transaction.

Use Lowest Cost Database Locking

Use the lowest cost locking available from the database that is consistent with any transaction. Commit the data after the transaction completes rather than after each method call.

Use XA-Capable Data Sources Only When Needed

When multiple database resources, connector resources or JMS resources are involved in one transaction, a distributed or global transaction needs to be performed. This requires XA capable resource managers and data sources. Use XA capable data sources, only when two or more data


Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Performance Tuning Guide • January 2009

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Sun Microsystems 820434310 manual Improving Performance of EJB Transactions