Starting and stopping network license servers
Starting and stopping network license servers
❖Manually starting SySAM servers
1 Go to $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/bin.
2 Execute:
sysam start
❖Manually stopping a SySAM server
1 In a Command Prompt window, go to
2 Enter:
sysam stop
❖Starting and stopping SySAM as an automatic service
•To configure SySAM to start automatically when a host server is restarted:
1Using an account with root privileges, log on to the machine where you installed the Sybase Software Asset Management (SySAM) software.
2Create a script that the system will use to start and shutdown. The main purpose of such a script is to avoid running the License Manager with root privileges, as these are not required. The following example script assumes that the SySAM License Manager will be run as the user sybase, and was installed into /opt/sybase. Change these parameters to match your specific installation:
nohup su $SYBUSER
>> $SYSAM/log/boot.log"
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