Currency Conversion
Use this screen to calculate the Exchange Rate between two currencies. If you have a value displayed in the Readout, that value will be passed to this screen as the amount of the From currency (otherwise amount will be set to 1).
HINT: You can see formatted numbers in the Tooltips of each value.
When you open this screen, the From and To currencies will be set to those you used last.
From Currency
Direction Button
Used to change the direction of calculation between the From and the To val- ues.
To Currency
= (Equal Sign)
This is the result of your conversion be- tween the From and the To Currencies.
D/L Rates
Click this button to receive the latest Currency Exchange Rates file from the Internet. Follow additional in- structions in the message window. NOTE: You must subscribe to this service separately.
Open File Button
Once you extracted the new rates, you need to open the
new file and the exchange rates (plus the To and From Currencies) will be re- freshed.
Dec. Pl.
Here you can set the number of decimal places to round your exchange rate calculation to. You can choose to round from 2 to 9 decimal places or "No" to disable rounding.
NOTE: Rounding is performed on the actual rates as well as the result, so you might see some minor inconsistencies.
OK Button
Click this button to enter the result value into the Calculator Readout for further calculations.
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