from the Windows Clipboard.
To use the variables, enter corresponding values in to the three boxes. When you build your expression, enter the variables instead of the numbers. Don't forget to enter the correct operators. For example, if X=5 and Y=5 then the expression XY will be calculated as 5*5. If you wish to reset the variable values, then push the Clear Variables button. Along
the same lines, the expres- sion 3X/2X will be calculated as (3*5)/(2*5) (resulting in 1.5), NOT as 3*5/2*5 (resulting in 37.5).
The Expression can be edited as regular text (using arrow
keys to move around). Once you have entered the expression, the CDML Advanced Calculator is going to remember it, so that when you call up the Expression Evalua- tor again your original expression will still be there.
Once you finished entering the expression, press the Enter key or click the OK but- ton and your expression will be added to the tape together with the result. If you wish to abort, click the Cancel button or press the Esc key.
NOTE: If the expression had to be interpreted by the Expression Evaluator and you checked the Confirm Expression box, you will receive a message with the interpreted expression. Hence, you will be able to make a choice of either accepting the expres- sion or editing it. Click on the button corresponding to your choice:
Yes Accept the expression
No Edit the interpreted expression Cancel Edit the original expression
Make Topmost Window (Up Arrow button)
Click this button if you want the Expression Evaluator to "float on top" of all other windows.
Formula Drop-Down List
You can select any of your saved formulas from this list and insert them into the Expression Readout. Once you do this, you can modify your constant
and/or variable values and evaluate the expression.
Insert Button
After selecting the desired formula, click this button to insert it into the Expres- sion Readout.
Formulas Button
Click this button to open the Formula Editor.
Construction (Foot/Inch) Calculator
Those who use the Metric system have it easy! They don't have to put up with such nonsense and measuring their homes in feet and inches. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world. This option was developed for those of us who need to be able to make calculations in the English system.
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