• A little tip for getting your yoghurts just right…
If you want to make yoghurts that are firm and consistent, then make sure EN all the ingredients you use are at room temperature.
• I love fruit yoghurts. Can I add fresh fruit?
The acidity that you get in raw fruits can make your yoghurts go off, that's why we recommend that you add fruit in jam, purée or stewed form. However, you can add fresh fruit just before tasting.
• Can I make 2 flavours/recipes in the same cycle?
It is possible to do several recipes at the same time as long as you use the same program and the same cooking times.
• How do I get a firmer yoghurt?
How firm your yoghurts are will depend on 3 criteria: the type of milk you use, the fermentation time and the ferment. If you want a really firm yoghurt, we recommend you use powdered
• Do I have to use cow's milk in my preparations?
It is possible to use other animal milks (goat, ewe) or plant (soya). This will, though, result in more fluid preparations than if you were to use
• How long do my home-made yoghurts keep for?
Your yoghurts and fromage frais will keep for a maximum of 7 days in the fridge. Milk desserts should be eaten very quickly after they have been made.
• Can I get hold of extra pots?
You can get extra pots in sets of 6 by phoning Customer Service on 1800 083 325 (Australia) or 0800 700 711 (New Zealand).