Example: lFuncReturn = ReadOutData(long:0xF000,
long:0x1000, void* lpBuffer)
/FN0019/ ReadOutFile
long int ReadOutFile(long int wStart, long int wLength, char* lpszFileName, long int iFileType)
Reads out data from the device and writes it to a file
wStart: Start address of the area to be read out. Allowed values : 0x0000−0xFFFE (see memory map of the corresponding device)
wLength: Length of the area. Allowed values : 0x0000−0xFFFE (see memory map of the corresponding device)
lpszFileName: Name of the file to receive data. If the file does not exist, it is created; If the file already exists, it is overwritten.
iFileType: |
FILETYPE_TI_TXT | (0x01) | − file type is |
FILETYPE_INTEL_HEX | (0x02) | − file type is |
Example: lFuncReturn = ReadOutFile(long:0xF000,
long:0x1000, ”test.out”, long:1)
/FN0020/ Reset
long int Reset(long int Flags)
This function provides the reset functionality for the target.
Flags: Flags is a bitmap and determines the type of reset.
Reset PUC means that the JTAG sends the command to the MSP430.
Reset RST_NMI performs a reset via the RST/NMI pin of the MSP430. The JTAG is also reset.
If the WITH_RELEASE option is selected, the device is released from the JTAG access after the reset.
Example: lFuncReturn = Reset(long:5)