FLL+ Clock Module Registers
4-11FLL+ Clock Module
4.3 FLL+ Clock Module Registers
The FLL+ registers are listed in Table 42.

Table 42.FLL+ Registers

Register Short Form Register Type Address Initial State
System clock control SCFQCTL Read/write 052h 01Fh with PUC
System clock frequency integrator 0 SCFI0 Read/write 050h 040h with PUC
System clock frequency integrator 1 SCFI1 Read/write 051h Reset with PUC
FLL+ control register 0 FLL_CTL0 Read/write 053h 003h with PUC
FLL+ control register 1 FLL_CTL1 Read/write 054h Reset with PUC
SFR interrupt enable register 1 IE1 Read/write 0000hReset with PUC
SFR interrupt flag register 1 IFG1 Read/write 0002h Reset with PUC