LCD Controller Operation
18-14 LCD Controller
3-Mux Mode Software Example
; The 3mux rate can support nine segments for each
; digit. The nine segments of a digit are located in
; 1 1/2 display memory bytes.
a EQU 0040h
b EQU 0400h
c EQU 0200h
d EQU 0010h
e EQU 0001h
f EQU 0002h
g EQU 0020h
h EQU 0100h
Y EQU 0004h
; The LSDigit of register Rx should be displayed.
; The Table represents the on’−segments according to the
; LSDigit of register of Rx.
; The register Ry is used for temporary memory
ODDDIGRLA Rx ; LCD in 3mux has 9 segments per
; digit; word table required for
; displayed characters.
MOV Table(Rx),Ry ; Load segment information to
; temporary mem.
; (Ry) = 0000 0bch 0agd 0yfe
MOV.B Ry,&LCDn ; write a, g, d, y, f, e of
; Digit n (LowByte)
SWPB Ry ; (Ry) = 0agd 0yfe 0000 0bch
BIC.B #07h,&LCDn+1 ; write b, c, h of Digit n
; (HighByte)
BIS.B Ry,&LCDn+1
EVNDIGRLA Rx ; LCD in 3mux has 9 segments per
; digit; word table required for
; displayed characters.
MOV Table(Rx),Ry ; Load segment information to
; temporary mem.
; (Ry) = 0000 0bch 0agd 0yfe
RLA Ry ; (Ry) = 0000 bch0 agd0 yfe0
RLA Ry ; (Ry) = 000b ch0a gd0y fe00
RLA Ry ; (Ry) = 00bc h0ag d0yf e000
RLA Ry ; (Ry) = 0bch 0agd 0yfe 0000
BIC.B #070h,&LCDn+1
BIS.B Ry,&LCDn+1 ; write y, f, e of Digit n+1
; (LowByte)
SWPB Ry ; (Ry) = 0yfe 0000 0bch 0agd
MOV.B Ry,&LCDn+2 ; write b, c, h, a, g, d of
; Digit n+1 (HighByte)
Table DW a+b+c+d+e+f ; displays 0
DW b+c ; displays 1
DW a+e+f+g ; displays F