FLL+ Clock Module Registers
4-12 FLL+ Clock Module
SCFQCTL, System Clock Control Register
rw0 rw0 rw0 rw1 rw1 rw1 rw1 rw1
SCFQ_M Bit 7 Modulation. This enables or disables modulation
0 Modulation enabled
1 Modulation disabled
6-0 Multiplier. These bits set the multiplier value for the DCO. N must be > 0 or
unpredictable operation will result.
When DCOPLUS=0: fDCOCLK = (N + 1) fcrystal
When DCOPLUS=1: fDCOCLK = D x (N + 1) fcrystal
SCFI0, System Clock Frequency Integrator Register 0
rw0 rw1 rw0 rw0 rw0 rw0 rw0 rw0
FLLDx Bits
7-6 FLL+ loop divider. These bits divide fDCOCLK in the FLL+ feedback loop.
This results in an additional multiplier for the multiplier bits. See also multi-
plier bits.
00 /1
01 /2
10 /4
11 /8
FN_x Bits
5-2 DCO Range Control. These bits select the fDCO operating range.
0000 0.65 - 6.1 MHz
0001 1.3 - 12.1 MHz
001x 2 - 17.9 MHz
01xx 2.8 - 26.6 MHz
1xxx 4.2 - 46 MHz
MODx Bits
10Least significant modulator bits. Bit 0 is the modulator LSB. These bits
affect the modulator pattern. All MODx bits are modified automatically by
the FLL+.