8.2.2 DMA Transfer Modes
The DMA controller has six transfer modes selected by the DMADTx bits as
listed in Table 81. Each channel is individually configurable for its transfer
mode. For example, channel 0 may be configured in single transfer mode,
while channel 1 is configured for burst-block transfer mode, and channel 2
operates in repeated block mode. The transfer mode is configured
independently from the addressing mode. Any addressing mode can be used
with any transfer mode.
Table 81.DMA Transfer Modes
DMADTx Transfer
Mode Description
000 Single transfer Each transfer requires a trigger. DMAEN is
automatically cleared when DMAxSZ transfers have
been made.
001 Block transfer A complete block is transferred with one trigger.
DMAEN is automatically cleared at the end of the
block transfer.
010, 011 Burst-block
transfer CPU activity is interleaved with a block transfer.
DMAEN is automatically cleared at the end of the
burst-block transfer.
100 Repeated
single transfer Each transfer requires a trigger. DMAEN remains
101 Repeated
block transfer A complete block is transferred with one trigger.
DMAEN remains enabled.
110, 111 Repeated
CPU activity is interleaved with a block transfer.
DMAEN remains enabled.