Watchdog Timer Registers
10-9Watchdog Timer, Watchdog Timer+
IE1, Interrupt Enable Register 1
rw0 rw0
7-5 These bits may be used by other modules. See device-specific datasheet.
NMIIE Bit 4 NMI interrupt enable. This bit enables the NMI interrupt. Because other bits
in IE1 may be used for other modules, it is recommended to set or clear this
bit using BIS.B or BIC.B instructions, rather than MOV.B or CLR.B
0 Interrupt not enabled
1 Interrupt enabled
3-1 These bits may be used by other modules. See device-specific datasheet.
WDTIE Bit 0 Watchdog timer interrupt enable. This bit enables the WDTIFG interrupt for
interval timer mode. It is not necessary to set this bit for watchdog mode.
Because other bits in IE1 may be used for other modules, it is recommended
to set or clear this bit using BIS.B or BIC.B instructions, rather than MOV.B
or CLR.B instructions.
0 Interrupt not enabled
1 Interrupt enabled