Scan IF Registers
24-52 Scan IF
Processing State Machine Table Entry (MSP430 Memory Location)
Q7 Q6 Q5 Q4 Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0
Q7 Bit 7 When Q7 = 1, SIFIFG6 will be set. When SIFQ6EN = 1 and SIFQ7EN = 1
and Q7 = 1, the PSM proceeds to the next state immediately, regardless of
the SIFSTOP(tsm) signal and Q7 is used in the next-state calculation.
Q6 Bit 6 When Q6 = 1, SIFIFG5 will be set. When SIFQ6EN = 1, Q6 will be used in
the next-state calculation.
Q5 Bit 5 Bit 5 of the next state.
Q4 Bit 4 Bit 4 of the next state.
Q3 Bit 3 Bit 3 of the next state.
Q2 Bit 2 When Q2 = 1, SIFCNT1 decrements if SIFCNT1ENM = 1 and SIFCNT2
decrements if SIFCNT2EN = 1.
Q1 Bit 1 When Q1 = 1, SIFCNT1 increments if SIFCNT1ENP = 1.
Q0 Bit 0 Bit 2 of the next state.