Basic Timer1 Introduction
11-6 Basic Timer1
11.3 Basic Timer1 Registers

The watchdog timer module registers are listed in Table 111.

Table 111.Basic Timer1 Registers

Register Short Form Register Type Address Initial State
Basic Timer1 Control BTCTL Read/write 040h Unchanged
Basic Timer1 Counter 1 BTCNT1 Read/write 046h Unchanged
Basic Timer1 Counter 2 BTCNT2 Read/write 047h Unchanged
SFR interrupt flag register 2 IFG2 Read/write 001h Reset with PUC
SFR interrupt enable register 2 IE2 Read/write 003h Reset with PUC
Note: The Basic Timer1 registers should be configured at power-up. There is no initial state for BTCTL, BTCNT1, or BTCNT2