DAC12 Registers
CALON Bit 9 DAC12 calibration on. This bit initiates the DAC12 offset calibration sequence
and is automatically reset when the calibration completes.
0 Calibration is not active
1 Initiate calibration/calibration in progress
DAC12IR Bit 8 DAC12 input range. This bit sets the reference input and voltage output range.
0 DAC12 full-scale output = 3x reference voltage
1 DAC12 full-scale output = 1x reference voltage
AMPx Bits
7-5 DAC12 amplifier setting. These bits select settling time vs. current
consumption for the DAC12 input and output amplifiers.
DAC12AMPx Input Buffer Output Buffer
000 Off DAC12 off, output high Z
001 Off DAC12 off, output 0 V
010 Low speed/current Low speed/current
011 Low speed/current Medium speed/current
100 Low speed/current High speed/current
101 Medium speed/current Medium speed/current
110 Medium speed/current High speed/current
111 High speed/current High speed/current
DAC12DF Bit 4 DAC12 data format
0 Straight binary
12s compliment
DAC12IE Bit 3 DAC12 interrupt enable
0 Disabled
1 Enabled
DAC12IFG Bit 2 DAC12 Interrupt flag
0 No interrupt pending
1 Interrupt pending
ENC Bit 1 DAC12 enable conversion. This bit enables the DAC12 module when
DAC12LSELx > 0. when DAC12LSELx = 0, DAC12ENC is ignored.
0 DAC12 disabled
1 DAC12 enabled
GRP Bit 0 DAC12 group. Groups DAC12_x with the next higher DAC12_x. Not used for
DAC12_1 on MSP430FG43x devices or on MSP430x42x0 devices.
0 Not grouped
1 Grouped