188 Chapter 10: Drawing
7310ENG.DOC Draw Texas Instruments Revised: 05/29/98 6:43 PM Printed: 05/19/99 9:01 AM Page 188 of 22
The 2
The 2 DRAW menu items let you draw on top of function
graphs and stat plots (see Chapter 9: Function Graphing and
Chapter 6: Statistical Plots). The way the TIN73 interprets
draw instructions depends on whether you accessed the menu
items from the Home screen or the Program editor, or directly
from a graph.
Note: Redefining WINDOW values, graphing a Yn function or
stat plot, or pressing ( erases all drawn items from the
Graph screen.
1:ClrDraw Clears all drawn elements.
2:Line( Draws a line segment between two points.
3:Horizontal Draws a horizontal line.
4:Vertical Draws a vertical line.
5:Shade( Shades an area between two functions.
6:Circle( Draws a circle.
7:Text( Draws text on a Graph screen.
8:Pen Activates the free-form drawing tool.
When using a 2 DRAW menu item or 2 POINTS menu
item to draw directly on a graph, the cursor coordinates are
displayed if CoordOn is selected (- g). If a graph is not
displayed when you select a 2 DRAW menu item, the Home
screen is displayed.