192 Chapter 10: Drawing
7310ENG.DOC Draw Texas Instruments Revised: 05/29/98 6:43 PM Printed: 05/19/99 9:01 AM Page 192 of 22

Horizontal and Vertical from the Graph Screen

To draw a horizontal or vertical line on the Graph screen:
1. From the Graph screen, select 2 3 or 4. The cursor
appears in the middle of the Graph screen. The X- and
Y-coordinates are shown at the bottom of the screen.
2. A line is displayed that moves as you move the cursor.
Place the cursor on the Y-coordinate (for horizontal lines)
or the X-coordinate (for vertical lines) through which you
want the line to pass.
3. Press b to draw the line on the graph.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3, as necessary. To cancel Horizontal or
Vertical, press :.
Draw a horizontal line from the
Graph screen.
#$ (as necessary)
Draw a vertical line from the
Graph screen.
"! (as necessary)

Horizontal and Vertical from the Home Screen or

Program Editor

From the Home screen or the Program editor, Horizontal draws
a horizontal line at Y=y. y can be an integer or an expression.
Horizontal y
' is set to
standard default