182 Chapter 9: Function Graphing
7309ENG.DOC CH 9 Function Graphing, English Julie Hewlett Revised: 07/29/98 12:14 PM Printed: 05/19/99
9:01 AM Page 182 of 24
6:ZStandard Sets the standard (default) WINDOW
variables. Replots the graph immediately.
7:ZoomStat Sets the WINDOW values for the current stat
lists. Replots the graph immediately.
8:ZDecimal Sets @X and @Y to 0.1 and centers the origin.
Replots the graph immediately; press )
to view the new coordinate values.
9:ZoomFit Adjusts Ymin and Ymax so that the Graph
screen displays the full range of Y variable
values. Replots the graph immediately.
10:ZInteger Lets you select a new center point, and then
sets @X and @Y to 1 and sets Xscl and Yscl to
10. Replots the graph immediately; press
) to view the new coordinate values.
11:ZTrig Sets WINDOW variables to preset values that
are often appropriate for graphing trig
functions. Replots the graph immediately.
ZBox ZBox (
1 1
With ZBox, use the cursor keys to draw a box around a specific
section of the Graph screen that you would like to view up
close. The calculator then zooms in on the area inside the box
with the cursor in the center of the screen.
Explore the function graph,
Y1=2X with ZBox.
1. Display the graph of a
selected function (the
example shows Y1=2X).