198 Chapter 10: Drawing
7310ENG.DOC Draw Texas Instruments Revised: 05/29/98 6:43 PM Printed: 05/19/99 9:01 AM Page 198 of 22

Text( from the Home Screen or the Program Editor

From the Home screen or the Program editor, you can draw
text on the Graph screen.
Text( accepts three mandatory arguments: row and column,
which specify the pixel value of the top-left corner of the first
character, and text, which can be functions, variables, or text
row is an integer between 0 and 57 and column is an integer
between 0 and 94. Therefore, (0,0) is the top left corner, (0,94),
is the top right corner, (57,0) is the lower left corner, and
(57,94) is the lower right corner. If you try to draw text on any
edge of the Graph screen, the calculator only displays text that
fits; text does not wrap to the next row.
If text is surrounded by quotation marks (" ") (found in the
Text editor), the calculator interprets any characters,
numbers, or expressions as text. If the quotation marks are
omitted, the TIN73 calculates and displays the result, if
applicable, with up to 10 characters.
Label Quadrant I with QUAD1 from the Home screen. Start the
text at the pixel value of (10,60).
1. Clear all previous drawings,
and select the beginning
point of the text.
27 10¡60¡