268 Chapter 13: Link and the CBLàCBR Application
APPS.DOC Chapter 13: Link and CBL/CBR Application, English Julie Hewlett Revised: 02/07/01 10:34 AM
Printed: 02/07/01 10:35 AM Page 268 of 22


MIN and MAX refer to the minimum and maximum UNIT values
for the specified PROBE. Defaults are listed in the table on page
267. See the CBL 2/CBL and CBR guidebook for specific
MINàMAX ranges. Enter values using the number keys.


The results are displayed according to the UNITS specified. To
specify a unit measurement (Temp or Sonic probes only),
highlight the one you want using the cursor keys, and then
press b.

DIRECTNS (Directions)

If DIRECTNS=On, the calculator displays step-by-step directions
on the screen, which help you set up and run the data
collection. To select On or Off, highlight the one you want with
the cursor keys, and then press b.
With the Sonic data collection probe, if DIRECTNS=On, the
calculator displays a menu screen before starting the
application asking you to select 1:CBL or 2:CBR. This ensures
that you get the appropriate directions. Press 1 to specify CBL
or 2 to specify CBR.

Data Collection Comments and Results

To label a specific data point, press b to pause the data
collection. You see a Comment= prompt. Enter up to a
six-character comment using the Text editor (- t) or
number keys. The calculator automatically converts the
comment labels and the corresponding results into list
elements using the following list names (you cannot rename
these lists):