190 Chapter 10: Drawing
7310ENG.DOC Draw Texas Instruments Revised: 05/29/98 6:43 PM Printed: 05/19/99 9:01 AM Page 190 of 22
Draw a line segment from the Graph screen.
1. Clear all previous drawings,
and select the beginning
point of the line segment.
(as necessary)
2. Select the ending point of
the line segment.
(as necessary)

Line( from the Home Screen or Program Editor

From the Home screen or the Program editor, Line( can draw
or erase a line segment from point (X,Y) to (X,Y) on the
Graph screen.
You follow the Line( instruction with the coordinates of the
beginning point (X1,Y1) and the ending point (X2,Y2) of the line
segment. Including the argument, 0, after the X and Y
coordinates erases a line from (X,Y) to (X,Y).
To draw the line segment:
To erase a line segment:
The cursor
a small box.
The line segment
is finished.
The line segment
is finished.