Appendix B: Reference Information 333
73B-ENG.DOC Appx B Reference Information, English Julie Hewlett Revised: 07/14/98 3:58 PM Printed:
05/19/99 9:04 AM Page 333 of 20
Error Type Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies
ARGUMENT A function or instruction does not have the correct
number of arguments. See Appendix A and the
appropriate chapter.
BAD GUESS You specified a guess in the Equation Solver that is
not between the lower and upper bounds.
Your guess and several points around it are
Examine a graph of the function. If the equation has
a solution, change the bounds and/or initial guess.
BOUND With Select(, you defined Left Bound>Right Bound.
In the Equation Solver, you entered lowerupper.
BREAK You pressed the ^ key to break execution of a
program, to halt a DRAW instruction, or to stop
evaluation of an expression.
DATA TYPE You entered a value or variable that is the wrong
data type.
For a function (including implied
multiplication) or an instruction, you entered
an argument that is an invalid data type, such
as a real number where a list is required.
In an editor, you entered a type that is not
You attempted to store to an incorrect data
type, such as a real number to a list.
DIM MISMATCH You attempted to perform an operation that
references more than one list, but the lists do not
have the same dimension (number of elements).