Chapter 13: Link and the CBLàCBR Application 271
APPS.DOC Chapter 13: Link and CBL/CBR Application, English Julie Hewlett Revised: 02/07/01 10:34 AM
Printed: 02/07/01 10:35 AM Page 271 of 22
INTRVL (SEC) specifies the interval in seconds between each
data sample that is collected. For example, if you want to
collect 99 samples and INTRVL=1, it takes 99 seconds to finish
data collection. Enter values using the number keys. See the
CBR or CBL 2/CBL guidebook for more information about
interval limits.
The results are displayed according to the UNITS specified. To
specify a unit measurement (Temp or Sonic only), highlight the
one you want using the cursor keys, and then press b.
You can specify whether you want the calculator to collect
realtime (RealTme) samples, which means that the calculator
graphs data points immediately as they are being collected, or
you can wait and show the graph only after all data points
have been collected (End). Highlight the option you want with
the cursor keys, and then press b.
Ymin and Ymax
To specify Ymin and Ymax values for the final graph, press
' to view the PLOT WINDOW screen. Use $ and # to
move between options. Enter Ymin and Ymax using the number
keys. Press - l to return to the DATA LOGGER options
DIRECTNS (Directions)
If DIRECTNS=On, the calculator displays step-by-step directions
on the screen, which help you set up and run the data
collection. To select On or Off, highlight the one you want with
the cursor keys, and then press b.
With the Sonic data collection probe, if DIRECTNS=On, the
calculator displays a menu screen before starting the
application asking you to select 1:CBL or 2:CBR. This ensures
that you get the appropriate directions. Press 1 to specify CBL
or 2 to specify CBR.