204 Chapter 10: Drawing
7310ENG.DOC Draw Texas Instruments Revised: 05/29/98 6:43 PM Printed: 05/19/99 9:01 AM Page 204 of 22

Pt-On(, Pt-Off(, and Pt-Change( from the Home Screen

and Program Editor

From the Home screen or the Program editor, you can draw,
erase, or change a points status on the Graph screen.
Pt-On(, Pt-Off(, and Pt-Change( accept two mandatory arguments:
X and Y, which specify the coordinates of the point that you
want to draw, erase, or change. Pt-On( and Pt-Off( have one
optional argument, mark, which determines the points
appearance. Specify 1 (default), 2, or 3, where:
1(default)= ¦ (dot) 2= (box) 3= + (cross)
If you specify mark to turn on a point with Pt-On(, you must
specify the same mark when you turn off the point with Pt-Off(.
Pt-Change( does not have the mark argument.
Also note that if, for example, you specify the point (20,30) but
your viewing window is set to the standard values, you do not
see the point since the viewing window does not include the
specific part of the graph where (20,30) exists. Press '
to redefine the WINDOW values.
Note: Redefining WINDOW values, graphing a Yn function or
stat plot, or pressing ( erases all drawn items from the
Graph screen.
Turn on point (M5,3) and assign the box mark to it.